Arm The Spirit – A Woman’s Journey Underground and Back by Diana Block.
This book is dedicated to all those — known and unknown, inside prisons around the globe — who each day arm their spirits, fighting to hold on to the understanding that a wall is just a wall/and nothing more at all. Despite prisons, gulags, and detention camps, the struggle for a different world continues.
I have been locked by the lawless.
Handcuffed by the haters.
Gagged by the greedy.
And, if I know any thing at all,
It’s that a wall is just a wall
And nothing more at all.
It can be broken down.
Assata Olugbaba Shakur
Assata Olugbaba Shakur, (°1947) voormalig lid van Black Panther en Black Liberation Army werd in 1977 veroordeeld voor de dood van New Jersey soldaat Werner Foerster tijdens een shoot- out op